94 Greenwich High Road London SE10 8JE

Children Dentistry

Children Dentistry

The younger your children are when you start bringing them to us, the better for them to get used to the equipment, sounds and surrounds of the dental practice, and to learn how best to look after their teeth. We also encourage our younger patients to visit the hygienist in between check-ups; this enables us to have an ongoing and active educational input into children’s oral health, and really arm them with the best tools to help keep their mouths healthy for life. We provide free check-ups for children under the age of five, provided their parents are registered patients.*

Denplan offers a payment plan for children from five years old, with a 5% discount for each additional child (or family member) whose fee is paid from the same account. Pay-as-you-go treatments for children from five years old up until the end of tertiary education are charged at half the full adult price.


* Valid for all active Denplan patients. For pay-as-you-go/self-funded patients, the parent must have attended and paid for a new patient examination within 12 months prior to the child’s first check-up. If the parent has been a patient at the practice prior to the child’s birth, then the parent needs to have attended and paid for a check-up in the 12 months prior to the child’s first visit.